What I Learned from Walnut
Taking care of animals has always been a therapeutic pastime for me. Walnut reminded me why taking care of others can bring new joys and moments of peace into my daily routine.
My First Course: Gay Dating Apps 101!
Over the past five years of coaching, one topic continually keeps popping up with my gay male clients, how to use dating apps. Some clients are older and literally have no idea how they work, while younger clients aren’t really sure what to put on their profiles or what to even do on the first date. But everybody has the same concerns about spending too much time on them and the mental health aspects of how we are all treated on these apps (enter ghosting and catfishing).
Dealing with Dread
My garden- my Zen zone when I need to unwind, calm down, and change perspectives.
Spring (Emotional) Cleaning Part 1 - Anxious? Talk It Out!
Spring cleaning isn’t just about organizing the man shed (or she shed) or the sock drawer, it’s a great time for a mental reprioritization and clean-out as well.
Why Valentine's Day Is Basically Christmas For Singles!
Why yes, I did draw this Valentine's Day artwork as a fey 16-year-old. And my mother still keeps it on her desk!