
My First Course: Gay Dating Apps 101!
Over the past five years of coaching, one topic continually keeps popping up with my gay male clients, how to use dating apps. Some clients are older and literally have no idea how they work, while younger clients aren’t really sure what to put on their profiles or what to even do on the first date. But everybody has the same concerns about spending too much time on them and the mental health aspects of how we are all treated on these apps (enter ghosting and catfishing).

The Fundamental Need For Friendship
For many folks, friendship can be hard to find for many reasons: Moving to a new town, their past trauma of unhealthy friendships, and of course anxiety and depression can all keep us isolated. This is not how humans are meant to live. Just think of cavemen around the fire, we have been in community since we could walk and communicate. Friendship is vital for living a quality life, it improves our health and can even lengthen our time on Earth.

Balancing the Being and Doing
Being in nature with Fergus is one of my favorite ways to recharge.
Facing Our Fears
For a while now I have been hopeful that America was righting the ship, getting back on track, you know that ‘Liberty and Justice for All’ situation? But after Roe v Wade was overturned, I feel like the gut punches just keep on coming.