New Year, New Goals
Tis the season for a reset. Personally, I relish this time of the year. All the holidays are done, we can get back into routine, and we can reflect on what worked and what didn’t.
The Complex Dance with My Dad's Death
My dad’s suicide on July 2, has, as expected, taken me on a great journey of processing, questioning, and understanding someone who was complex and imperfect, but who I loved deeply.
My First Course: Gay Dating Apps 101!
Over the past five years of coaching, one topic continually keeps popping up with my gay male clients, how to use dating apps. Some clients are older and literally have no idea how they work, while younger clients aren’t really sure what to put on their profiles or what to even do on the first date. But everybody has the same concerns about spending too much time on them and the mental health aspects of how we are all treated on these apps (enter ghosting and catfishing).
A Rite of Passage
While I won’t go into specifics (come to one!), what I kept hearing all weekend was-
Men. Need. Connection. With. Men.
To open up, to be held, and to be heard by another man is powerful and something society has told us for generations to avoid.