Balancing Part Two!

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone is getting back into the routine they may have missed with all the festivities, kids out of school, and odd days off over the past two weeks. It feels good to get back into the rhythm. Finding balance.

Balance is a word that can be elusive to me if I let my high energy brain take over. It’s something I constantly strive for. Balance in work and play. Balance in social media madness and constructive reading and watching. Balance in booze, food, rest, and connection. Clearly, I just covered it in October, and I am still working on how to bring more of it into my life. Hence, part two!

Speaking of social media, this week I read a friend’s post on Instagram who took a year off it, and it resonated with me deeply. I have never gained a client from Instagram, yet I constantly feel like I need to post something. I also catch myself mindlessly scrolling through it and what have I learned? How else can I better use my time?

Recently, I talked about balancing being and doing and mentioned that TV is totally acceptable for ‘being’ time. What I edited and now feel the need to say is that soul sucking TV may not be what the mind needs to rest. A bunch of housewives screaming at each other doth not bring balance to the brain.

Last night I watched the most heartwarming short film on Apple TV: The Boy, The Mole, The Fox, and The Horse.

My goodness how I needed that. Thirty-three minutes of soft-spoken wise creatures wandering through a winter wonderland dropping wisdom on each other that brought equal part tears, smiles, and contemplation.

Some of my favorite quotes included:

· Doing nothing with friends is never doing nothing is it?

· What’s the bravest thing you have ever said? ‘Help’, said the horse.

· Always remember you are enough. Just as you are…

So put down the phone and spend 33 minutes watching something that will bring you joy and even some balance to your busy day.

What else will do be doing to bring balance to 2023?


The Fundamental Need For Friendship


Balancing the Being and Doing